“Embracing vulnerability is a sign of strength, not weakness”



Soul Business aims to embody the values of authenticity, courage, and compassion and these three values have become the backbone of our business.

Soul Business was founded in July 2016 and from our own journey of trying to be true to ourselves and find authenticity in this crazy world of ours. There was a moment of clarity about how powerful allowing yourself to be vulnerable can be.

Soul Business has grown and changed over the years from a virtual admin service, to what we have become today:

  • A business passionate about mental health, creating connection, mental health advocacy and building literacy in the community

  • A business that believes in work life balance, taking time out when needed, self compassion and self care.

  • A business that encourages people to nurture their hobbies and the things they love.

We are a business dedicated to raising mental health awareness, reducing stigmatising attitudes, and creating a safe space and community to help others find authenticity, courage, and compassion in themselves and day to day life.

We are a business and space where people can feel brave, learn, grow, connect and support each other without prejudice.


What we stand for

We are passionate about mental health! We want to inspire others to be confident in providing initial support and empathy to those who need it.

We believe compassion and kindness goes a long way.

We believe in raising mental health awareness and would love to see mental health policies and mental health first aid courses as mandatory in every small business, large organisation, school, university, and all of the community.

We believe education and knowledge to increase mental health literacy are key to reducing stigma regarding mental illness.